
30 November 2013

BBC Good Food Recipe Books

I used to dominate the kitchen because I loved to. However I had to minimise my time in my territory ever since we found out about Bao who’s not very cooperative when it comes to standing or walking for an extended period of time. Therefore, I very willingly assigned some cooking responsibilities to Daniel.

A few months back, my sis-in-law gave us a couple of BBC Good Food recipe books as part of our birthday presents. I can’t tell you how much I love their recipes. They are easy to follow, tested by others and so reliable. You can even find many mouth-watering recipes for free on their website! These books came in handy for Daniel who isn’t quite the experienced cook.


Each recipe comes with a well taken photo of the dish together with its full nutritional breakdown. I love how they aren’t too fancy and are actually extremely easy to follow.

Here’s what we’ve tried so far.

Italian-style Beef Stew, perfect on a cold wintry day. We served it with mash for dinner and pasta for lunch the next day.

Thai-style Beef Patties which was like a time & travel machine that transmitted us to Thailand the instance we bit into them. The original recipe asked for minced pork but last minute shopping on a Saturday evening in Germany pretty much guarantees that we won’t get everything we want.

Chicken noodles soup is another of my favourite on days when I want something gingery, warm, spicy and just plain simple. A very healthy meal!


We do cook almost everyday since it can hurt the pockets to eat out daily. There are days when I miss living in Singapore where I can just walk to the coffeeshop and be spoilt for choice. However, I learnt that cooking for ourselves is a lot healthier and it can be a really fun activity to do together too.

Now that Daniel has learnt a few tricks in the kitchen (and he has done more than what I’ve shown you above), I feel so much more at ease about the arrival of Bao. We won’t have family nearby to help us, neither is there the concept of a confinement lady who cares, cook and wash for me & Bao (thank God I won’t have one anyway!), but seeing Daniel putting in all his effort to sort everything out at home without me lifting a finger is really comforting. At least I know Bao and I are well taken care of.